If you’re a business owner, chances are you’ve spent a lot of time thinking about marketing. But what exactly is it? Marketing is the action of promoting a product or service. That’s it! It’s also the process of getting people to know, like, trust, and buy from you. It’s the art of telling your story, connecting with your audience, and creating an experience that leaves a lasting impression.
Types of marketing include influencer, relationship, viral, inbound, and outbound marketing. These types of marketing practices are used to attract, engage, and convert visitors into customers.
You might be the most familiar with relationship marketing. It’s a form of marketing to sell to people who already know and trust you. But what about those who don’t? That’s where influencer marketing can help. Influencer marketing is a great opportunity to tell a larger audience about your product/services. If you’re taking advantage of inbound marketing by blogging, content marketing, producing videos, or emailing campaigns, your message could go viral; allowing for viral marketing opportunities.
Regardless of the type of marketing, one of the most important activities is engagement! Engagement throughout the buying process makes the experience more enjoyable for your customers. The benefits to engaging customers throughout the buying process includes increased satisfaction, reduced customer service costs, and increased sales. Engaging your customers throughout the buying process leads to a more satisfied customer.
As you think about the importance of marketing and what it is, remember that each strategy has its own unique set of tactics and benefits. Plan out your marketing strategy for a successful journey. Don’t underestimate the power of people and building relationships. People make decisions not the best laid out plans. The most effective way to communicate is by being on the right platform at the right time with the right message.